Last Night in Soho
New Details Emerge on Edgar Wright’s Psychological Horror ‘Last Night In Soho’ (from Collider)

New details have emerged on Edgar Wright’s next film, Last Night In Soho. The movie will be a pure psychological horror flick, Wright’s first foray into that territory, though he explored the horror genre, at least visually, in 2004’s Shaun of the Dead. Tonally, this one seems to be a whole different animal, as Wright will shed the comedic stylings for something a bit more austere.
Per Empire, the film is set in London in the 1960s and will be led by Eloise, played by Jojo Rabbit‘s Thomasin McKenzie. She’s entirely consumed with the decade—whether she actually lives/lived in it or not—and is given an opportunity to soak it up for herself through some unusual relationship with Sandy, played by Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch).
Wright told Empire this, in regard to the project and its characters:
“There’s something I have in common with the lead character in that I’m afflicted with nostalgia for a decade I didn’t live in. You think about ‘60s London – what would that be like? And the reality of the decade is maybe not what she imagines. It has an element of ‘be careful what you wish for’.”
Beyond that, information is scant on the plot of this one. Knowing Wright’s work, the director is sure to stamp this thing with his unique flavor. Few filmmakers have a style all their own, but in Wright’s case, you can watch any minute of any one of his films and know who made it. Wading into this genre territory makes the project among the more anticipated films of 2020.
Empire also released an on-set image of Wright and Taylor-Joy, seen below. As you can glean, she looks era appropriate. The UK’s Swinging Sixties hasn’t had much horror treatment in the past. Re-creating this world and introducing terrors in twisted sentimentalism is worth getting on board for.

Image via Empire Online
Krysty Wilson-Cairns (1917) co-wrote the script with Wright. Last Night in Soho also stars Terrance Stamp (Superman) and Matt Smith (Doctor Who). It will be released in theaters on September 18, 2020 in Wright’s native UK and on September 25th n the U.S.